On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Mary Jo Sminkey
<mary...@cfwebstore.com> wrote:
> You can say that, and the gay community can say that, but clearly from the 
> ways the votes have done in these states, there's still a lot of paranoia, 
> and the gay community has not addressed it sufficiently enough to make people 
> comfortable with the idea. The various disruptions in recent years of church 
> services by gay protest groups is certainly not going to help any.

How do you prove a negative? How do you prove that if you stop hating
gays that the world won't end? The "be quiet and we'll eventually get
used to you" method of achieving civil rights has never done anyone
any good. That's why in almost all cases civil rights have come
through loud, vocal struggles that have ended up with court cases that
have drawn a line and said "no, you can't deny these people rights
anymore". And then the legislation follows some time after that and
then eventually people get used to it and those that can't deal with
it die off.

People trash courts for being "activist" but the reason that these
things get decided there first is that federal judges aren't elected
and they don't have to answer to the howling backwards masses. They
see that fundamental rights are involved and that society has been
having a gradual shift and there is just no holding back the tide

>>I'm a straight man who simply doesn't care what goes on between
>>consenting adults, if it works for ya and makes ya happy then have at
>>it.. because it *doesn't effect me or anyone else*
> I agree as well, but it's that last part of your sentence that many people do 
> *not* agree with. Unless the gay community can truly make people feel that it 
> *won't* effect them, I doubt there's much chance of gay marriage becoming 
> universally accepted in the US.

The only way that this is going to happen is for the courts to rule
that there is no lawful reason to discriminate against sexual
orientation and that it denies fundamental humans rights. And older
people will howl and scream and younger ones will shrug and society
will move on and kids will eventually wonder what all the fuss was
about just like I can't imagine segregated drinking fountains.


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