And if you are curious about the state of religious tolerance in Iran,
you can read the State Department 2004 report on it here:

Disclaimer, I have a friend that works in that office in the middle
east bureau but did not work on that report.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> Yes, those are brutal and savage laws. I fully support trying to get
> them changed there just like I support changing the same laws in Saudi
> Arabia and other countries. Yet we are able to negotiate with Saudi
> Arabia and Oman and the UAE.
> As for your link about a law banning conversion from Islam to another
> religion (doesn't actually have to be Christianity, the author is just
> biased there) it is a horrible law, I agree. Iran also has established
> laws to protect its Christian minority including representation in
> Parliament. You don't see that mentioned in the article, do you? Being
> non-Islamic in Iran is tough. There has been persecution at times and
> many people have fled but it is not a theocracy that does not tolerate
> other religions.
> The government of Iran is not nice. They are not our allies. But to
> dismiss them as savages and say that negotiation with them is futile
> is both ignorant and unhelpful to both our country and the Middle
> East.
> Judah
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>> That is enough for me.
>> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>>> > Scott wrote:
>>> > The people who 'govern' the country of Iran.
>>> >
>>> Like what have they done that's "savage"?

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