
Best congratulations to you and the new mom :)

I'll let you know what I end up deciding on for a camera unless you pick 
one out before me... but we're both needing to get one quick!


Jeff Garza wrote:

> I know most of you don't know me that well as I tend to stay out of the heated 
>debates on the list due to a lack of time... but I wanted to share the good news and 
>an interesting story with y'all...
> My wife delivered our second son at 5:15pm on the 20th.  Matthew Robert Garza 
>weighed in at 8lbs. 2oz. and is doing well.  Mom is also doing well.  Matt is already 
>proving to be quite the impatient little guy and was in quite the hurry to come into 
>the world.  He was in so much of a hurry that he didn't even wait until we made it to 
>Labor and delivery!  When I said that my wife delivered our son, I meant that 
>literally, she delivered our son, right there in front seat of our car in the parking 
>lot of Labor and Delivery!!!!   When I ran into the L&D area of the hospital to tell 
>them that we needed someone out there NOW, I never expected a sea of purple and teal 
>to come swarming out of the door.  We had 15 nurses come rushing out.  What a sight!  
>WOW, talk about an adventure!  My nerves 
> still quite shot from the whole thing.  I was joking with her after the fact saying 
>something to the effect of "So much for that epidural you were wanting...."  She 
>didn't seem to catch the humor in that statement....  
> Anyway, in the grand scheme of things everything turned out ok.  There were/are so 
>many things that can go wrong during a delivery, that we consider ourselves quite 
>blessed that everything happened without a hitch.  (other than the fact that we were 
>in the car... <G>).  I have to go and get the wife and kiddo from the hospital this 
>morning so I'll respond when I get back.  I'm probably the only person left on the 
>planet without a digital camera so I'll post some pics once the film is developed. 
> Cheers!
> Jeff Garza
> Web Guy
> Spectrum Astro, Inc.
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