Innocent until proven guilty applies until someone shows reasonable signs of
an illegal action. My example was decided by the police as being a
reasonable sign of a drug buy. Note the term reasonable. To bring it into
the conversation, being Muslim or looking like a Muslim alone is not a
reasonable sign of anything. Being a Neo-Nazi alone is not a reasonable sign
of anything. Being Amish alone is not a reasonable sign of anything. BUT
being of a specific group and doing things that are outside the norm for
that group which is also inside the norm for crimes associated with the
group IS a reasonable sign to be examined.
1. Amish, Muslim, Neo-Nazi - people
2. Hanging out outside a synagogue multiple times at strange hours -
non-standard actions for people
3. SOME members of the group are associated with violence against the
location where they are hanging out - reasonable suspicion
The Amish do not fulfill part 3. The other 2 do fulfill part 3. Part 2 alone
may warrant at least a second look for anyone but when combined with part

Person: So Michael, why are you down on Muslims here? Can't they hang out by
a synagogue at 1am every night? You're judging them as Muslims.
Michael: do you have a reason to be hanging out by a synagogue at 1am in the
night? You do? OK, but I'll be suspicious of you being there almost as much
as I would of someone stereotypically related to desecration of synagogues.
Person: You're stereotyping. That's bad. Naughty Michael. We don't do that
in our polite society. Don't assume guilt, everyone's innocent until
convicted of a crime. alledged crime
Michael: What can I say, I'm a paranoid who thinks that there are people out
there who hate me and are willing to hurt/kill me.

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:41 PM, denstar <> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> >
> > Some white kids in a farrari drive into a black neighborhood at night.
> That
> > sentence fits a standard profile of upper class kids buying drugs and
> they
> > will/should be stopped and checked out.
> No offense... but FUCK THAT!
> *Will/Should*?  What the fuck happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"
> I grew up as a minority, so I'm pretty hip to how un-American that comment
> is.
> What was that joke from the office last night?
> "Knock Knock"
> "Who is there?"
> "The KGB"

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