Scott and Robert.

Do you wish for a return to the policies of Cheney and the neo-cons?

Do you believe they kept exactly the list of things Robert listed from

Or is it more true that those things got WORSE under those policies, and
other policies need to be enacted?

I don't think calling them terrorists helps. I don't think a label "global
war on terror" helps. As a matter of fact, those labels and policies seem to
have separated the US from most worldwide support. And left us with about
200 foreign troops helping in Iraq. Which is a lot different than the first
Iraq war.

If you ever listen to special forces guys, they speak in terms like this.
Oversees contingency operations.  That is a lot more useful a term than "war
on terror". It specifies a place. Which also helps specify who will be doing
the heavy lifting. It specifies he mindset. Contingency. In otherwords,
reacting to changes on ground, having plans in place to handle anything that
comes up. And operation specifies the scope. Limited. Effective. Short term.

I much prefer that.

I want to get away from the Bush "you are with us or against us". Do away
with labeling everyone a terrorist. Some are, some aren't. There are shades
of grey there. We need to move people from hating and acting, to hating, to
not really caring, to being lukewarm. Because lukewarm people dont blow up
cars. they complain over coffee. We need to split up Al Quaeda and the
Taliban. Pakistanis from Afghans. Sunnis from Shias. We need MORE labels,
more splinter groups. Piling them all together as Cheney did just made them
stronger. Let;s try something else now.

Their way didn't work. A lot.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:

> Robert - will you ever learn.
> The term 'terrorist' is not politically correct. Don't you know that they
> act like terrorists because that is what we call them?  If we call them
> something else, then they will no longer be terrorists.
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:54 AM, Robert Munn <> wrote:
> >
> > That is apparently what we are calling the War on Terror now:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Does the Obama Administration not understand that Iran is on the verge of
> > making a nuclear weapon and North Korea is apparently testing a
> long-range
> > rocket? Or that Pakistan just ceded part of its territory to the Taliban?
> > Or
> > that the Taliban control sections of Afghanistan and coalition forces
> don't
> > have enough troops to push them out and control the territory?
> >
> > It sure seems like it.
> >
> >
> >

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