>> The most respected military man in the public mind
>> at the moment is Shinseki, because he bucked and lost for it. And he is busy
>Shinseki was wrong in 2003 and is still wrong.
>Patreous is the most respected and his surge worked in spite of
>Shinseki's poor vision and planning.

Really, how many soldiers did he recommend? and how many were sent in the 
surge? The two sets of numbers fairly match up.

As for his poor vision and planning, it was more Rumsfeld and his pet yes men 
generals etc that were responsible for followup planning. Shinseki did the 
initial assault, which succeeded brilliantly. It was the follow through that 
Rumsfeld, Fallon and Sanchez planned that such as mess. When Shinseki wanted 
PRT's to come in after the initial operation were ended, that was turned down 
by Rumsfeld's people saying they were not needed.

>> trying to fix the shambles that is the VA administration.
>By making soldiers pay for their own medical insurance?

That was never seriously considered. 

>You just lost half the countries support by changing the name. At
>least your half is happy now.

What support. Bush managed to piss off the vast majority of the US allies. if 
his policies were continued I seriously doubt whether any real allies would be 
left. Look how much the US had to pay the most of the members of Coalition of 
the Willing in order to get them to send even a token force. 

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