Thats what is happening to me. They are removing CF as fast as they can and 
training one guy to do Java. They don't have plans for me. So I'm thinking 
about Java but I don't know enough about how it works or where to start. I'm in 
a small town and the closet CF job is hundreds of miles away. 


>It would be unfortunate if that would be the case, even if the long-rumored
>demise of CF were actually upon us (it isn't).
>When my company phased out CF in favor of .NET, they trained their current
>CF developers on .NET and we just continued on our merry way.
>Designers who picked up some CF may struggle to learn another
>architecture...but programmers who've just happened to work mostly in CF
>would have no problem being effective in a relatively short time in most
>other internet application languages.
>Long stupid rant short: A company that lays off it's CF developers because
>it's shifting technologies, is doing itself a disservice.

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