call me cynical, but i continue to believe that the world of
enterprise it has serious problems with corruption. what else do you
expect to have happen when someone gets to spend other people's money?

On 5/19/09, Dana <> wrote:
> I have come to the conclusion that many people are transferring risk.
> Having been around when an institution decided to spend half a million
> dollars on a system that was essentially a SQL database with a web
> interface and no interoperability with other enterprise software -- I
> can tell you you that the decidin factor was "But they have 24-hour
> support and an SLA."
> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Robert Munn <> wrote:
>> It begs the question why shops are moving from CF to Java. The last shop I
>> saw that move done in, the move cost millions of dollars and the end
>> result
>> was a system with less functionality than the previous system that took
>> three times as long to change and had license fees in the hundreds of
>> thousands of dollars rather than the tens of thousands of dollars. The
>> only
>> logical conclusion I can come up with is that the people making the
>> purchasing decisions have their own interests at heart, and their
>> interests,
>> for whatever reason, dictate purchasing expensive commercial systems.
>> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Phillip B   wrote:
>>> Thats what is happening to me. They are removing CF as fast as they can
>>> and
>>> training one guy to do Java. They don't have plans for me. So I'm
>>> thinking
>>> about Java but I don't know enough about how it works or where to start.
>>> I'm
>>> in a small town and the closet CF job is hundreds of miles away.
>>> Phil

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