On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Dana<dana.tier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You should be on the phoen wiht them right now explainign that
> your client's site is down :)

I think the key here is to try to find someone on the phone.  Ask them
about the process.  You may have to provide documentation via Fax to
backup your claim, but there is usually a way to get your domain back.
 You may also have to call around to some wrong numbers at Yahoo
before you find the right dept too.  Don't give up just because there
isn't a published number - call ANY number at Yahoo Small Business and
be polite and persistent, like Dana said.  Eventually you will end up
in the right place talking to the right person.

***AND*** I would bill my client for the domain recovery service.
Don't go through all this trouble for free.


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