Remember that GIANT catapult I had aimed at Bill's boss?

Keyword there is "had"!

It's now pointed at you!  <grin>


(with a *K*)

Erin for King, because she wants to be.
Erika L. Walker-Arnold, VP, RUWebby, LLC
Macromedia ColdFusion Alliance Partner
Macromedia ColdFusion 5.0 Certified Developer

>>| -----Original Message-----
>>| From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>>| Sent: 03 May 2002 14:35
>>| To: CF-Community
>>| Subject: RE: TV Licenses
>>| Again, I say its perfectly fair.
>>| (Because _I_ live in Boston, MA, USA!)
>>| :)
>>| Jerry Johnson
>>| >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/03/02 03:15AM >>>
>>| Yeah, but we also pay 50 GBP a month for our cable boxes 
>>| ... That's on top of the TV license. Plus broadband service.
>>| Erika
>>| ------------------------------------------------------------
>>| >>| -----Original Message-----
>>| >>| From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>| >>| Sent: 02 May 2002 19:52
>>| >>| To: CF-Community
>>| >>| Subject: RE: TV Licenses
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| Whooaa!  That was scary. I actually sent this about 5 hours
>>| >>| ago, and it just posted.
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| Jerry Johnson
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/02/02 09:43AM >>>
>>| >>| I'm glad you pay.
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| And I'm glad I get BBC America for free!
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| And thank you ever so much for Monty Python.
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| But seriously, I pay $40+/month for cable, so a BBC tax of
>>| >>| $180/year only being paid by the users of the service seems 
>>| >>| not TOO unreasonable.
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| Jerry Johnson
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/02/02 09:11AM >>>
>>| >>| Personally, I don't have a problem with it. The BBC,
>>| >>| generally, put out some good quality material, and the 
>>| >>| license fee represents reasonably good value for money when 
>>| >>| you consider the cost of, say, satellite, cable or digital 
>>| >>| TV subscription.
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| There are a few issues though. I do think there is a
>>| >>| potential problem in terms of all the online work the BBC 
>>| >>| do, which is presumably covered by the license fee, 
>>| >>| although possibly many license fee payers don't or can't 
>>| >>| access the web. Also, the BBC have a number of digital TV 
>>| >>| outlets that are obviously not accessible to those people 
>>| >>| without a digital receiver.
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| All in all though, yes we pay, but yes the quality of the
>>| >>| programming is, on the whole, amongst the best in the world.
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| w
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| -----Original Message-----
>>| >>| From: Mike Townend [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>| >>| Sent: 02 May 2002 14:02
>>| >>| To: CF-Community
>>| >>| Subject: Re: TV Licenses
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| afaik there was a case where some guy changed his telly so
>>| >>| that it couldnt pick up the frequencies sent out by the BBC 
>>| >>| so that it was impossible for him to receive them and thus 
>>| >>| said he didnt need a license...
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| Im pretty sure there was a court case but im unsure as to
>>| >>| what the result was....
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| ----- Original Message -----
>>| >>| From: "Raymond Camden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>| >>| To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>| >>| Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 1:56 PM
>>| >>| Subject: RE: TV Licenses
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| 
>>| >>| > Interesting question - does the license apply if you
>>| >>| build your own
>>| >>| > TV? :>
>>| >>| >
>>| >>| > 
>>| >>| ============================================================
>>| >>| ==========
>>| >>| > =
>>| >>| > Raymond Camden, Principal Spectra Compliance Engineer for
>>| >>| Macromedia
>>| >>| >
>>| >>| > Email    : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>| >>| > Yahoo IM : morpheus
>>| >>| >
>>| >>| > "My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda
>>| >>| >
>>| >>| > > -----Original Message-----
>>| >>| > > From: Mark Smyth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>| >>| > > Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 8:47 AM
>>| >>| > > To: CF-Community
>>| >>| > > Subject: RE: TV Licenses
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > > the strangest thing is we get 5 channels automatically
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > > but the licence only applies for 2 of them (the others
>>| >>| being funded
>>| >>| > > by advertising), but you still cannot watch the 
>>| other 3 without
>>| >>| > > getting a licence
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > > -----Original Message-----
>>| >>| > > From: Erika L. Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>| >>| > > Sent: 02 May 2002 13:43
>>| >>| > > To: CF-Community
>>| >>| > > Subject: RE: TV Licenses
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > > Nope. You really have to have a license to have a TV
>>| >>| and or Radio
>>| >>| > > and or computer that gets streaming broadcasts.
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > > 112 GBP a year too.
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > > Erika
>>| >>| > > With a K
>>| >>| > > Todd for President to teach the UK a thing or two 
>>| about TV's.
>>| >>| > >
>>| >>| > > >>| -----Original Message-----
>>| >>| > > >>| From: Sandy Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>| >>| > > >>| Sent: 02 May 2002 13:36
>>| >>| > > >>| To: CF-Community
>>| >>| > > >>| Subject: Re: TV Licenses
>>| >>| > > >>|
>>| >>| > > >>|
>>| >>| > > >>| Is this a joke?  Or do you really have to have a
>>| >>| license to use
>>| >>| > > >>| a television?
>>| >>| > > >>|
>>| >>| > > >>|
>>| >>| > > >>| Enquiring minds!
>>| >>| > > >>|
>>| >>| > > >>| Sandy
>>| >>| > > >>| ----- Original Message -----
>>| >>| > > >>| From: "Erika L. Walker-Arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>| >>| > > >>| To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>| >>| > > >>| Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 4:18 AM
>>| >>| > > >>| Subject: TV Licenses
>>| >>| > > >>|
>>| >>| > > >>|
>>| >>| > > >>| > So this may very well be, the funniest thing 
>>| about living
>>| >>| > > >>| in the UK
>>| >>| > > >>| > ...
>>| >>| > > >>| >
>>| >>| > > >>| > 
>>| >>|
>>| >>| > > >>| >
>>| >>| > > >>| >
>>| >>| > > >>| > Erika
>>| >>| > > >>| > (with a *K*)
>>| >>| > > >>| >
>>| >>| > > >>| > "Life...  is like a grapefruit.  It's orange and
>>| >>| squishy, and
>>| >>| > > >>| > has a few pips in it, and some folks have 
>>| half a one for
>>| >>| > > >>| > breakfast."
>>| >>| > > >>| > -----------------------------------------------------
>>| >>| > > >>| > Erika L. Walker-Arnold, VP, RUWebby, LLC
>>| >>| > > >>| > -----------------------------------------------------
>>| >>| > > >>| > Macromedia ColdFusion Alliance Partner
>>| >>| > > >>| > Macromedia ColdFusion 5.0 Certified Developer
>>| >>| > > >>| > -----------------------------------------------------
>>| >>| > > >>| >
>>| >>| > > >>| >
>>| >>| > > >>| 
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