Funny, there goes the whole 'well the other guys do it' argument.  I
love that one, really puts a smile on my face.

And in my own, admittedly limited, experience, I have found that black
people living in public housing want to kill white paramedics (and
that is based on more than just my dealings with 30 people). Yet, if I
actually believed that, and preached it on this list, imagine the
uproar it would cause. See where I am going with this?

You guys are OK with the 'in my experience' bullshit when it suits
you, but if someone else (like Sam) uses similar tactics, well, we all
know how that usually turns out.

When its done to Bush, it is not only OK, but it is our duty as
citizens, but if its done to Obama, its racism. That there is not
'change', it is the hypocrisy I have come to know and love from you

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
> Correction, I paint no more of a wide brush than Sam or others. That
> said, one thing I wam willing to admit and unlike those others, I am
> very willing to admit when I'm wrong, or when the data dictates other
> than what I think.
> In my own admittedly limited experience, I've found that when you
> scratch a birther, you expose a lot of racism.
> I'm OK with legitimate criticism of Obama.  My problem so far is that
> most what has been said has had an undercurrent of racism. Take for
> instance what Limbaugh has said about Obama, about wanting and making
> Obama fail. Given all what else he has said that has been racially
> inflammatory,remember his comments about black quarterbacks for
> instance, sort of colors any criticisms the man may have of Obama.
> Most if not all the current spokespersons for conservatism is about
> the same.
> On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 9:06 PM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>> Sadly, while I may try to see the best in people,  I tend to see the
>> worst in people. Almost 20 years of slinging bodies around the streets
>> on NJ can do that to a fella.
>> I never said that none of the birthers are racist, but I don't think
>> they all are. I just find it funny that it seems OK for you and Dana
>> and Larry to break out the wide brush when it suits your needs, but
>> have no quams about pointing out when others do it - and slamming them
>> for it. I guess this is another case of its OK if those in Obama's
>> corner do it, but God forbid someone else does.
>>  And quite honestly, most people who you might label as a 'birther'
>> that I have talked to are not racist, nor have I had any conversations
>> that wound up with someone calling Obama a monkey or a nigger - I just
>> don't associate with people who would feel that way. Maybe you just
>> hang around the wrong people?
>> On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>>>> Scott wrote:
>>>> Nice backpedal Gruss.
>>> Well here's my experience.
>>> I just happen to have discussed this with, eh, maybe 30 of these
>>> birther people, and to a person they get all worked up and eventually
>>> they call Obama a monkey or a nigger or they say the blackhouse or say
>>> that Michelle Obama is a black panther or any of the other racist
>>> things people say.
>>> But to a person it ALWAYS comes out.
>>> Some these people I've know for over a decade.  And maybe only 5% of
>>> them actually admit that, yes, it's racist because they're just not
>>> ready for a black man in the whitehouse.
>>> After a long discussion with one close friend about this he said
>>> exactly that.  He went on to say that he tries every day to tell
>>> himself "today I won't be racist".  This is guy who's hired people of
>>> all races and never shown a racist thing to me ever.  I was shocked.
>>> And he's a huge union guy and a gov't healthcare guy.  So we have a
>>> lot to argue about :)
>>> But this guy also admitted that his embrace of the birther stuff is,
>>> at the end of the day, plain ole racism.
>>> Now could it be that only these people I've talked are racist and
>>> nobody else is?  sure.
>>> That's your theory.  Your faith.
>>> I think it's nice that your faith causes you to believe the best of people.
>>> I'm jaded.  My experience tells me you're faith is misplaced.
>>> So my apologies for trying to squash your faith in people's better nature.

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