WTF is wrong with Adobe these days, some of their actions anymore are complete 
bullshit including this one.

There is a site that sells flash files called and has been doing 
so for years now. Suddenly "AdobeSoft" decides that they need to change their 
name, change their domain name and marketing to not include the word "flash".. 

"This week Adobe asked us to change our name and URL so that it would no longer 
contain the term ‘Flash’, which is a registered trademark of Adobe."

So are they going to request every web site that has "flash" in it to do this? 
I just don't get it, especially for a site that promotes the use of their 
product which inevitably sells more flash IDE's.

Adobesoft has already lost me as a customer for Coldfusion as I have chosen to 
move to Railo mostly based of my neg experiences with Abobes product 
activations and thier horribly broken customer service system and Railo's 
eagerness to make the coldfusion language better.. faster.. Unfortunately I 
still depend on Photoshop but luckily pixelmator is becoming a viable 

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