It most definitely could of been the shot, and yeah, it's one of those
lottery situations. And yeah, it could of been caused by something else she
did in those ten days. I would assume her lottery lawyers will start going
down that road to make sure it wasn't anything else.

Whether we get a flu shot or not, we're all at risk from something that can
kill us, even sitting too long in front of these stupid machines. But I
guess that's not a fun debate.

"Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder in which sustained muscle
contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures.
The disorder may be inherited or caused by other factors such as
birth-related or other physical trauma, infection, poisoning (e.g. lead
poisoning) or reaction to drugs, particularly neuroleptics."

"A genetic basis for the disorder is suspected but not proven. It does
appear to be clear that a defect in the receptors to dopamine (dopamine D2
receptor antagonism) is an important contributor to the cause of neuroleptic
malignant syndrome."

Bottom line - I feel bad for the girl no matter what it was. She's very
pretty and her life has just changed forever. Hopefully their marriage will
work out and the doctors can ease her symptoms with some of the treatments
available for the condition.

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