On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Sam wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 9:34 PM, denstar wrote:
>> "Who knows?" may be valid, to some extent, but come on.  Use a smidgen
>> of logic and ask yourself "it is plausible and possible that we're
>> affecting the environment?"  (Environment includes climate)
> Reverse the question and re-ask it. Get back to me.

I don't think it's possible or probable that we are *not* changing things.

You do?

>> I *know* that we don't "know" (you hear me preach it time and again),
>> but unless I'm hallucinating the toxins (possible, but not as
>> probable), we're performing "actions" that have "reactions".
> Are we talking mercury in the water or CO2 vs O2? AKA people vs plants.

In grade school they teach us that there's a balance that's needed for
life as we know it to "work".

>> Or maybe that's all bunk too.  Who knows?
>> I agree, what really bothers me is this mentality that "humans are so
>> /small/ and the universe is so /big/.  We couldn't possibly (or even
>> probably?!?!) affect much".
> Ye of little faith that believes the earth is controlled by humans.

Controlled?  Heh!  Control is an illusion.

Changeable by humans?  Unless reality is an illusion, yes.

>> I can tell you with 100% certainty (with a grain of salt) that we are
>> 100% capable of making our environment uninhabitable for us.  Which is
>> really what we're talking about.
> That's not changing the globe that's called shitting where you eat.

Potato, potatoe.

>> The earth will continue to rotate around the sun (unless that's all
>> some kind of illusion, of course-- our senses being what they are,
>> fallible.), the stars will continue to shine, yadda yadda-- we're not
>> talking about possibly ending existence as a whole here.
>> Just ending ours.
> If you think tree exhaust is going to ruin the planet chop them all down.

Now /there's/ a solution I can get behind!  It's us or them, man!

>> And yes, I think we are that powerful, tiny tho we be...
>> Relatively.
> I agree, Al Gore almost tricked everyone into doing something so st

The "lock box"?  Yeah, that trickster.

To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it.

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