the really stupid part of this is that what Palin was referring to was
a recommendation that seniors receive end of life counseling. Not how
to kill themselves etc but how to deal with stuff that will be
happening to them over the next while.

As for death panels doesn't that happen now with current denial of
coverage by private insurance?

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Medic <> wrote:
> How is it different? Well Sarah Palin was basically saying that Obama wants
> to kills your gramma. The article talks about a panel of doctors familiar
> with the specific case that wish to supsend life support because in their
> medical opinions it's futile. Flogging a dead horse so to speak. I don't see
> how this is what Sarah Palin was trying to say.
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Sam <> wrote:
>> How is it different?
>> In the end, government decides to ration care to save money.
>> Hospitals, insurance companies and doctors all have to fall in line or
>> work for free.
>> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Medic <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Summary: "It's just like Sarah Palin said, only completely different!
>> Run,
>> > run for your lives!"

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