On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Scott Stewart <sstwebwo...@bellsouth.net>wrote:

> " I don't really care what InBev wants to call itself over here....i like
> bud, always have, will always drink it.....beer is about taste. Nothing
> else."
> Then why in the world do you drink Bud? :)
> Try Czechvar, it's made from the recipe that Adolphus Busch stole from a
> Czech brewery and brought to the US. You'll never, ever drink Bud again.

I did try it, and I still drink budweiser. I will most likely never drink
Czechvar again.

I won't bother arguing tastes...it's silly. I like bud because that's what I
used to sneak from my dad's fridge.

> I'm not a fan of Budweiser, if Bud, Coors and Miller all fell off the
> planet
> I'd probably dance in the streets.  The closet I come to macro-brews is Sam
> Adams.

Why dance in the streets? What do you care if other people drink and enjoy
miller, coors, and bud?

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And in each others blood

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