AB is personal, they bought my favorite local brewery in Northern Virginia
(Dominion) and dismantled it, in the process they stole the recipe for
Dominion Ale and created "Budweiser American Ale".

Coors and Miller just further diminish the reputation that American beer
has. I don't see how anyone with taste buds can enjoy what is essentially
slightly rice flavored water...

(and you know I'm just knocking American macro-brews because it get's a rise
out of folks, what you drink and enjoy is entirely up to you)

-----Original Message-----
From: G Money [mailto:gm0n3...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 2:17 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: because I'm a nit picker

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Scott Stewart

> " I don't really care what InBev wants to call itself over here....i like
> bud, always have, will always drink it.....beer is about taste. Nothing
> else."
> Then why in the world do you drink Bud? :)
> Try Czechvar, it's made from the recipe that Adolphus Busch stole from a
> Czech brewery and brought to the US. You'll never, ever drink Bud again.

I did try it, and I still drink budweiser. I will most likely never drink
Czechvar again.

I won't bother arguing tastes...it's silly. I like bud because that's what I
used to sneak from my dad's fridge.

> I'm not a fan of Budweiser, if Bud, Coors and Miller all fell off the
> planet
> I'd probably dance in the streets.  The closet I come to macro-brews is
> Adams.

Why dance in the streets? What do you care if other people drink and enjoy
miller, coors, and bud?

We're baptized in these waters
And in each others blood

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