Hmm if you read the initial post, I never said finding internet was an
issue. I stated:
"I am on a business trip to Mexico soon and *will have* internet access in
the hotel."

I am concerned that having the iPhone on at all in Mexico I will be charged
data charges since it checks the weather, email, etc.

So if I get what your saying, I can use the Wifi portion without getting hit
with data charges??

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Cameron Childress <>wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 6:33 PM, ColdFusion Developer
> <> wrote:
> > Finding internet access is an issue, just the high cost of using my cell
> > phone (iPhone) in Mexico. Data plan along can run $100 and text messages
> are
> > $0.50 to send and $0.25 to receive.
> >
> > Ao I am looking at low cost ways to call back to the US while there.
> Oh - you do have an iPhone - is there some reason you cannot use the
> Wifi feature of your iPhone with Skype?  I spent well under ten
> dollars for a 12 day trip overseas to use iPhone/Skype to call all
> over the place.
> You say finding internet access is an issue, but then followup with
> comments about data plans on your phone?  Do you mean finding internet
> access with your phone's data plan will be an issue?  Surely there
> will be some form of Wifi where you are going?  Somewhere?
> -Cameron
> ...

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