When it comes to customer service, I am usually a very difficult
person to please. So far, in juts over a year, I have been very happy
with AT&T cell coverage and service. Of course, I have not had to
actually call anyone for any problems I have had either.

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Cameron Childress <camer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Jerry Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> you are not a valued customer. you are a commodity.
> Agreed.  They don't care about you as a customer.  Not one little itty
> bitty bit.  Any time it appears that they do, it's just marketing and
> PR.  Don't think just because you had one good experience you will
> have another.
> There are a few companies out there who genuinely care about their
> customers (Speakeasy comes to mind), but no cell phone companies I am
> aware of really care about their customers at all.
> -Cameron
> ...

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