On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Michael Dinowitz
<mdino...@houseoffusion.com> wrote:
> I'm not even talking cell phone. I'm talking basic home phone service
> and internet.

Oh.  I haven't had a land line for 10+ years.  Sometimes it doesn't
even occur to me that they still exist.  My uncle recently called me
for some "family tech support" about his phone not working in the
basement.  I told him it was probably the thick cement walls causing
trouble and it took like 5 minutes for me to determine he was talking
about land line service.

I use to really like Speakeasy for Internet, but can't get them where
I now live.  They were bought by Best Buy a few years ago so they
might suck now, but they were GREAT before.


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