On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Cameron Childress <camer...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Interesting.  So..... getting the government involved in a private
> business distorts it and damages it?  You don't say?!?!
> This is effectively ***reducing*** government involvement in the
> mortgage industry to fix it.  Now, what other parts of our lives can
> we fix by getting the government out?
> http://www.vancouversun.com/business/fp/Volcker+lauds+Canadian+banks/2514580/story.html
> -Cameron
Where is the reduction of government involvement read in that article?

This seems like more government regulations to me... :-)

U.S. lawmakers didn’t seem impressed Tuesday by the case Mr. Volcker tried
to make that big U.S. commercial banks should be barred from high-risk
trading in a bid to curb the problem of financial firms that are “too big to
fail” without putting the entire financial system at risk.

The Volcker Rule would ban large commercial banks from “proprietary
trading,” in which they use their private-equity arms or hedge funds to rack
up their own profi

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