Not many people do know how and why the aid is distributed. Not all of
our aid to Egypt is tied in such a way, just about 2 billion worth is.

The biggest problem I have with Obama is that the Middle East is a
huge web where a pull on one string will tug another and another. Tug
aid to Israel and it pulls Egypt which strengthens the Muslim
Brotherhood, which is a terrorist organization, which, which, which.
His making a big deal about a simple event has strengthened Abbas to
avoid negotiations which strengthens Hamas due to the continual lack
of a final agreement which strengthens Iran who controls Hamas and
keeps things on a boil, etc. etc. etc.

At least he was smart enough to not say anything about the
Palestinians naming a square after a major terrorist and Hillery was
smart enough to lie about it and say it was Hamas rather than our
allies in Fatah.

The Middle East is like sword dancing blindfolded on a freshly waxed
mine field. Obama needs to stop and think before acting and then stop
and think again.

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 12:13 PM, G Money <> wrote:
> Yeah, Egypt is definitely vital.
> I was unaware that US aid to Egypt was tied to the peace treaty with Israel.
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Robert Munn <> wrote:
>> They don't need us, but we need them. Mike is right, we can't lose
>> Egypt or there goes the Middle East.

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