So as leader of the country, Netanyahu is not responsible for what his
underlings do? yet the right wing has had tempertantrums when they
slightly disagree with something an Obama underling has done.

Isn't there a disconnect here?

The point remains that it was a deliberate provocation aimed at the
Vice-President and by extension the country. A deliberate insult. It
would be the same if immediately before Netanyahu's last visit, the
State Department announced a $500 million grant to Hamas.

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Robert Munn <> wrote:
> No, the crisis was started by the moron Joe Biden, who totally failed
> to listen when Netanyahu said he had not been aware of the new
> building permits.
> And yet again, you totally fail to understand that we can't cut off
> aid to Israel. Do you really believe the Israelis would cave on a
> position they have held through multiple wars with their neighbors?
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Eric Roberts   wrote:
>> No...Netanyahu created it by expanding the settlements.  Let's give credit
>> where credit is due.

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