Just wanted to follow up on this issue since I happened across an
analysis on Nate Silver's site. I mentioned at the beginning that I
hoped that he'd look into the data and I was glad that he did.


In summary, as I suspected, it was a really crappy statistical
analysis. And that is putting it politely. It turns out that the top
18 districts listed as receiving stimulus money are state capitols.
Essentially, their "district" was credited as receiving the funds when
really the funds were distributed to the state and then spent on a
variety of projects across the state.  And it just so happens that the
capitol cities of the most populous states in America are represented
largely by Democrats.

So, yeah, totally bogus "study" that was at best is a novice attempt
at data analysis and, more likely given the source, just a Republican
talking point.



On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 8:26 AM, Jerry Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I love the fact that the numbers are available via recovery.org, though.
> I hope that is a trend that is not undone by the next administration.

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