On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Jerry Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sam,
> Can you specifically explain how this Connecticut bill is intended to single
> out The Church, and bankrupt it? (I don't get it)

I didn't say single out.
But if you look at it, how often is little Johnny, now 65, going to
sue his sick uncle? Unless he died but has a huge estate that is. Now
the Church is worth suing.

> Can you explain why only high-level Catholic bishops are against this bill?
> (I don't get it)

I didn't read that, just because CNN doesn't mention uncle Fred
doesn't mean uncle Fred is a supporter of the bill.

> Can you explain, really explain, why the Catholic Church is so obviously
> completely unconcerned with the EVIL that was committed within its walls,
> and does EVERYTHING in its power (considerable power) to continue to attack
> and victimize the victims?

I don't know anything about that. Are you sure your info is correct?

> Because, from the Catholics I know, and the teaching I have heard from the
> Church, these bishops do NOT seem to belong to the same organization, not
> even the same religion.

That sounds like the Church.

> I _can_ sadly imagine a group of black clad evil men crouched in a back room
> AT THIS VERY MINUTE with file folders containing allegations of abuse from
> the last 50 years, and each time a month goes by moves some of those folders
> into the "safe" pile, where their mechanizations to deny and obfuscate and
> hide the truth have finally put them past prosecution, almost like an evil
> Treasury Bond in reverse.

I'm picturing them as lawyers moving the safe piles back into the fortunes pile.

> Can anyone else imagine that?
> Can you imagine the same thing at a school board meeting, even a close
> hearing?

That's a joke right? You really don't know any teachers and the evils
of the education system? Try getting a tenure in NY.

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