
Can you specifically explain how this Connecticut bill is intended to single
out The Church, and bankrupt it? (I don't get it)

Can you explain why only high-level Catholic bishops are against this bill?
(I don't get it)

Can you explain, really explain, why the Catholic Church is so obviously
completely unconcerned with the EVIL that was committed within its walls,
and does EVERYTHING in its power (considerable power) to continue to attack
and victimize the victims?

Because, from the Catholics I know, and the teaching I have heard from the
Church, these bishops do NOT seem to belong to the same organization, not
even the same religion.

I _can_ sadly imagine a group of black clad evil men crouched in a back room
AT THIS VERY MINUTE with file folders containing allegations of abuse from
the last 50 years, and each time a month goes by moves some of those folders
into the "safe" pile, where their mechanizations to deny and obfuscate and
hide the truth have finally put them past prosecution, almost like an evil
Treasury Bond in reverse.

Can anyone else imagine that?

Can you imagine the same thing at a school board meeting, even a close

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 6:13 PM, Medic <> wrote:

> The reason we're "singling out" the church, is because it's the church
> that's opposing this bill. It's pretty specific.
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Sam <> wrote:
> >
> > You missed my argument, it's not a defense of pedophiles, it's the
> > singling out the church for the purpose of bankrupting it.
> >
> > Let's spread the word about schools too so we can stop abuse instead
> > of just shutting down churches.

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