How many people know that there have been deaths linked to GM foods? I
was in favor of more research, but I have re-considered my position
based on the risks. I think the GM food push is based on a desire for
easier profits, not for helping people.

Among the thousands of strains of staple crops that exist, we grow
very few strains in this country. A single pest or disease targeting
one of these strains could potentially cause tremendous damage.

But growing a single, controlled strain is far easier for the food
giants than growing many strains to mitigate the risk. So what do the
food giants want to do - grow a lot more strains, or just stick some
nasty little piece of genetic code from some other species into their
preferred strain to try and ward off those diseases?

Problems arise on two fronts: 1. there is no guarantee that the
genetic modifications will prevent some pest/disease from wiping out
an entire crop of a single strain, and 2. we have absolutely no idea
what consuming these GM foods will do to us over the long term, and
anyone who says different has no idea what they are talking about.
Just look at the pharmaceutical industry for examples of profits
coming before the safety of the public.

I would prefer to see more organic agriculture combined with
diversification of our food supply.

As to the herbal remedy craze, I am involved with a startup nonprofit
that is focused on transforming alternative herbal medicines to modern
medicine (containing purified compounds rather than messy extracts).
Forget about "fear of science" being responsible - the work we are
doing has been made possible because of scientific progress in the
study of natural products.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Medic <> wrote:
> I feel that we could go far enough with just cross breeding. I don't see why
> we need to modify our food on a genetic level. I understand that farming is
> a for profit endeavour and it's getting harder and harder for farmers to
> compete, but there's got to be a way to make natural farming profitable.

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