If they didn't read it, they shouldn't claim to have knowledge of something
that they didn't fucking read with their own eyes.  That's the problem when
you follow people blindly.

Did Rush tell you that about Pelosi?  I hate top break it to you...but the
text of the House Bill was available last Spring.  The Senate bill was up
over the summer.  Amendments were available throughout the entire Senate
process.  Just because you and your fellow teabagger are too fucking stupid
to find it on the senate website doesn't mean that they were not available.
Maybe if you had bothered to do the research on your own instead of only
going by wheat Rush, Glen, and Fox tell you, maybe you would have known

Apparently not only didn't you read the bill but you didn't read what I
said.  I said that when asked if they read it, they said no...but they HEARD
about parts of it.  Get a fucking clue Sam.  I know that is a bit much to
ask of a teabagger.

I read parts of it...but I am not protesting it or claiming that I have
knowledge of a part of the bill I didn't read. I am not saying that the bill
pays for illegal immigrants when it is fact states the opposite.  I am not
claiming that it creates death panels when there is no such language in the
bill.  I am not claiming that I will go to jail if I don’t get insurance.
That's coming from your fellow moronic teabaggers. If you are going to
protest it...it would be logical that you actually read it so that you know
why you are protesting...unless of course you are just being a good little
Republican Fascist and goosestepping to whatever Rush, Glen, and Fox tell
you to do.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [mailto:sammyc...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 4:40 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Sarah Palin has earned 12m dollars in less than a year.

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Eric Roberts
<ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:
> Bullshit Sam...it's been available on the internet, in its various forms
> from both the House and the Senate for the entire time it has been
> debated...so almost a year.  They did post changes.  Lay off the
> kool-aide...

Pelosi her self said you have to pass it to see what's in it or did
you forget about that?

> Even so...let's assume it was only available for people to read in the
> 72 hours...then how did they know whether or not it covered illegal
> immigrants or created death panels?

Dude you're all over the place on this. You claim they didn't read it
then you claim they read parts of it. The parts that were released
were debated and sometimes changed but most of the changes were behind
closed doors so nobody knew the exact details of the changes until the
vote. They did know what was in the original which caused them to
fight for changes.

> Oh yeah, because Glen, Rush, and Fox
> News told them so.  So basically then, according to your information, the
> teabaggers are nothing but a bunch of uniformed idiots who were bitching
> about a bill that they didn't read and protested things that a bunch of
> talking heads, who also couldn't have read the bill were telling you to
> think?  Sounds like a bunch of fucking clues morons who can't think for
> themselves.

Did you read all the bills? I think the last revision was 3000 pages.
In your world you are not allowed to complain about anything unless
you read and understood it in it's entirety? I got news for you, the
Dems you swore allegiance to admitted they never even read the bill in
it's entity. Not when it was 2000, 2500 or 3000 pages. Yet YOU support
it and them. Who's the fool?

> Grassley isn't a dem...he's a republican.  It's one of your dumbassess
> wrote that one.  Not any more than Blanche Lincoln is one.  They should
> be honest with themselves and their constituents and become republicans.

What's Grassley have to do with this? Is he the one that voted yeah
for all the Democrats?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam [mailto:sammyc...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 2:49 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: Sarah Palin has earned 12m dollars in less than a year.
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Eric Roberts
> <ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:
>> More educated doesn't mean smarter.
> Yeah, that's why I listed them separately :P
>> If they were so smart, they would have
>> been able to answer specific questions about what issues they had with
>> the health care bill instead of just spouting the same tired lines they
> were
>> given by Rush, Glen, and Fox....or they just hemmed and hawed as they
>> searched for something to say.  My favorite was when asked if they
> actually
>> read the bill... "Well I heard about bits and pieces..."  One can have 50
>> years of schooling and be dumb as a doornail.
> They all did have specifics but you wouldn't know because you were
> watching msnbc.
> As for reading it, it wasn't available until the last 72 hours.
> I bet the geniuses on the D side of the isle didn't realize they were
> voting to strip themselves of health c

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