Meanwhile, Erik Lawrence Pidrman has been arrested for threatening to kill
his representative.

The representative is Ginny Brown-Waite.

The representative is a Republican.  I don't know his party, but he donated
to Hillary during the last election cycle.  I have a suspicion that he is
not a tea party supporter.

Here is the message he left for Ginny:

"Just wanna let you know I have 27 people that are going to make sure that
this b**** does not live to see her next term."

Just as a reminder, an Obama supporter was arrested last month for shooting
at a Republican's office.

Then you have the incidents during a town hall meeting were SEIU members
beat a black man for being there.  Apparently they thought he was a
Republican.  In reality, he was just selling trinkets, trying to make a

It's interesting to see where the violence is coming from as opposed to
where it's supposed to be coming from.

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