I never liked the designation of left vs. right. Its a holdover from
the french revolution when the pro revolutionary government would sit
on the "Left" side of the legislature while the ones against those in
power sat on the "Right".

That said I think you should look at a multi dimensional system. There
used to be some urls kicking around to some quizzes that would suggest
such. Anyone know?

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I got to thinking about this after something that was posted in another 
> thread.
> It would not surprise me if the left leaning crowd on this list viewed
> me as 'right wing'. It would also not surprise me if the right leaning
> crowd viewed me a 'left wing'.
> I will admit, I am all over the spectrum - for example.
> I am against gun control
> I am for gay marriage
> I am pro choice
> I am for the death penalty
> I am sure there are other examples I could come up with...
> And as for how I feel about our presidents (past and present):
> I do not dislike Obama (even though I did not vote for him)
> I did not dislike Bush (voted for him the first time, not the second)
> I did not dislike Clinton (I voted for him once - voted for Perot the
> other time)
> I did not dislike Bush Sr. (I voted for him)
> The way I usually describe myself is as more of a centrist, or that I
> am 'more conservative fiscally and more liberal socially' - if that
> even makes sense.
> So, what would make some one 'right wing' or 'left wing'?
> --
> Scott Stroz
> ---------------
> The DOM is retarded.
> http://xkcd.com/386/

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