Problem I have with the test is that it allows no neutral responses. Everything 
is done on an even likert scale. There were more than a few questions where I 
had to choose a dislike or a like, when in reality my preference was neither.

>The test is an improvement over the current screaming on talk shows
>but it does have some biases. For instance, I am pretty sure my score
>was skewed left by  support  for legalization of marijuana. But I am
>in California, where it's being seriously considered as a method to
>balance the budget, in Santa Cruz at that, where yesterday's
>front-page picture was of huge clouds of smoke over a meadow at the
>UCSC 420 celebration. It's sort of a given here ;)
>It's also a good way to conserve some important things like textbooks
>in schools, lol.
>but yeah, I am a far-left libertarian according to that test.
>Reminds me of a similar test -- or perhaps an earlier version of this
>one -- that asked about bilingualism. I answered the question both
>ways, and supporting it gave a lot of weight to "left." But the only
>time I ever voted was in Montreal, where they have laws about how much
>English or Chinese can be on signs... lol
>On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 10:19 AM, G Money <> wrote:

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