On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Eric Roberts <
ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:

> I think it is pretty irrelevant whether it is a Mexican holiday or not...if
> an American student wants to wear an shirt with an American flag at an
> American school, in America, it shouldn't matter what holiday it is.  Now
> if
> these students were in Mexico, then I would say that they are wrong and
> should be punished as they are in Mexico and should be sensitive to Mexican
> holidays.  Being in America, one should never get punished for wearing the
> symbol of our country....ever.  If the other students don't like it, well
> they can go back to Mexico and take the school administrators with them.
> Eric
I think these types of cases are going to push more schools to require
uniforms. Everyone looks alike, social barriers are removed, and things like
this wouldn't happen. Ask me last year if I though uniforms would a good
idea, I may have had a different perspective. But it seems to make more
sense the more I think about it.

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