"Nope...I wouldn't lend my skills to the robber barons in the first place.
These are companies that need to go out of business."

Well, if the health care monstrosity that passed stands, they will be out of
business.  It's good that you don't need their business.

"The insurance companies are like the robber barons of that late 18tyh and
early 19th century.  Their only goal is profit and they don't let their
customers get in the way of that.  When someone talks about the evils of
Corporate America, the first thing that comes to my mind is the insurance
company.  If they can't compete with a government plan, then I guess they
are just too inflexible to exist...isn't that the best of a free market
system.  If you can't survive as a business, then you go out of business."

It is hard to defend insurance companies.  They are one of the few
businesses that stress how much you need them but do everything possible to
prevent you from using them.  It is a sleazy business.  A lot of their woes
are self inflicted by their greedy policies.  The insurance industry needs a
good cleaning, a job similar to cleaning King Augeas' stables.

At the same time, as bad as the state of insurance is, healthcare in the US
is still top notch.  When it is completely socialized, it will be a
different story.  Think of the VA people.  That's what it will be like for
everyone.  Maybe worse.

About competing with the gov't:  Private industry cannot.  The gov't can
undercut any price it wants.  With deficit spending, the government can keep
the game up as long as it wants.  The private insurance companies will go
out of business.  It will not be due to a free-market system.

\Watch the video link I post earlier.  Representative Jan Schakowsky
absolutely revels in the impending doom of private insurance.

Here are two quotes:

“A public option will put the private insurance industry out of business and
lead to single-payer” – Rep. Jan Schakowsky

“This is not a principled fight.  This is a fight about a strategy for
getting there, and I believe we will” – Rep. Jan Schako

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