actually, let me clarify about blueprint.

I thought blueprint was pretty damn ugly and a hack because you would do
stuff like this:

<div class="container">
   <div class="span-24 last">Header</div>
   <div class="span-5">Left Nav</div>
   <div class="span-19 last">Content Window</div>
   <div class="span-24 last">Footer</div>

Which would give you a 2 column layout with a header and footer, all within
a 960px container with 24 columns of 40px each.  All the span-x class are
defined in the blueprint.css file.

It works great, but to me it felt like there was too much formatting in the
markup, so technically, I use SASS.  SASS generates css based on different
frameworks, including blueprint, so now my markup looks like this:

<div id="container">
   <div id="header">Header</div>
   <div id="nav">Navigation</div>
   <div id="content">Content</div>
   <div id="footer">Footer</div>

and my sass file looks like this:


Now I could easily change it to be right handed nav by changing:


On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Zaphod Beeblebrox <> wrote:

> I use a combination of jQuery, jQueryUI & blueprint on all my sites.
> On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Vivec <> wrote:
>> Came across this article on using JQuery to spice up websites
>> I have a client now who is clamouring for all these new, cool elements on
>> their sites.
>> Looking through them...I realise almost all the sites out there now use
>> some
>> form of JQuery.
>> From Twitter to Facebook, these new Textareas that have magically enabled
>> buttons...fancy image name it JQuery has it.
>> Looks like I have to get down and dirty with Javascript!
>> Do many of you use JQuery styles in your sites?

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