And, to once again bring the point home, I don't think that the Obama
DOJ is utterly saintly with no possibility of a stain on their record.
I certainly wouldn't put it past them to push politically motivated
cases. This isn't a case that gains Obama any political points though,
anywhere, except in right wing wet dreams. The actual Black Panthers,
you know the ones that Fox has branded as Communists intent on
stealing elections and subverting America by electing their puppet
Obama, condemn this group.

I'm not going to be surprised in the least when I read that Obama
really has leaned on the DOJ over a case. But, you know what? It is
almost certainly going to be a case where it gains him points with a
powerful group and almost certainly will be at the behest of a
corporate interest. The New Black Panther party has no clout in either
the African-American or White political establishment and there is no
good reason that anyone would try to rig anything for them. Hell, the
NBP doesn't even support Obama, they think he is a half-white sellout.

At best, this attempt to stir up controversy by Breitbart is a craven
attempt to blow smoke up people's ass. At worst, it is craven race
baiting and another in a long string of attempts by fringe elements to
say "look at the scary black people!"


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
>> "1: This is the New Black Panther party, not the Black Panthers."
>> Typical.  Ignore the overall issue while dwelling on minor details.  Of
>> course it was the New Black Panthers.  The "Old" Black Panthers don't count
>> for much these days.  I think most people on the list are smart enough to
>> make the correct connection.
> Your source quote conflated the New Black Panther party with the Black
> Panthers. The Black Panthers have name recognition. The New Black
> Panther party does not. To conflate the two is patently dishonest and
> self serving. I pointed out that they are utterly different entities
> and that the Black Panthers disavow and condemn the New Black Panther
> party. Since your source dishonestly conflates the two, I felt it was
> worth while to distinguish the two. And I do not ignore the overall
> issue, I go right into it as you can tell by the fact that you address
> my criticism of the main issue.
>> "2. The DOJ case was downgraded from a criminal case to a civil case by the
>> *Bush* DOJ, not the Obama DOJ."
>> I don't care who downgraded the case.   Who dropped the case:  The *Bush*
>> DOJ or the *Obama* DOJ?  Should the case have been pursued?  Of course.
> There we disagree. Even the Bush DOJ, which was patently one of the
> most political in recent history, couldn't make a criminal case out of
> it even though they desperately wanted to. You don't care? Fine, that
> is your choice and you are putting on blinders. Be my guest.
>> "3. The reason that it isn't being pursued further is that there isn't
>> anyone complaining. Not a single voter."
>> Absurd.  Just because you don't see it on MSNBC, ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, or hear
>> about it on NPR doesn't mean it's not an issue.  Just because Breitbart
>> raises the issue doesn't rule outs its validity.  Sometimes the MSM isn't
>> exactly forthcoming with information.  See John Edwards.
>> "But there hasn't been a voter intimidation case brought forth because there
>> wasn't any voter intimidation."
>> Don't let the facts get in your way. There was sworn testimony from witness
>> who said they were intimidated.
> What the fuck? I did not put out anything that is not a fact. The
> complainant in the case is a Republican operative who is not a voter
> in that district. I'm quite sure that if there were any voters in the
> district who were at the polling place and complained that they were
> intimidated that the DOJ would pursue the case. As I mentioned, the
> SPLC designates the New Black Panther party as a hate group. Everyone
> would like to see these guys asses kicked to the curb with perhaps the
> exception of a couple of black supremacists.
> If you don't have a witness willing to come forward as a complainant,
> you don't have a case. Even the Bush DOJ could see that. Find me a
> voter at that polling place that wants to push a complaint that they
> were intimated and I will back you and call upon the DOJ to pull up
> the case again. I'd love to see the NBP smacked around, they certainly
> deserve it. Until then, stop being a reactionary jerk who just spouts
> Fox News lines.

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