Still doesn't make him a great man.  The point being that the line
from the speech which was being used to deify him was written by
someone else - not his words, so I fail to see how the fact that he
spoke them gives him any creds at all.

On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> As a filmmaker, I'm sure you are quite aware that making a film has
> little to do with making a speech to an audience. The skills of a good
> orator are more closely compared to those of stage actors and film
> actors generally have a lot of respect for stage actors. Obviously,
> being a good stage actor doesn't mean you would be a good President. I
> also have never said that I thought that Reagan was a good President
> (quite the contrary actually). However, the skills of a stage actor
> (and to some extent a film actor) can be put to great use as a
> President. Reagan was a good orator. You may not agree with the
> policies he was pushing (I usually didn't) but he was effective in
> selling them because he really was a good orator.

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