It is Judah, very much so, what I'm saying is that what we're getting
isn't t the right solution for the country, but the other side would
rather play power games instead of actually thinking about what would
work best for the country..

And the center is organizing, look at the American Centrist Party, and
the Modern Whig party as two examples.
It's all about replacing partisanship, corruption and theocracy with
reason and logic and the Constitution as it is written not as some
folks like to interpret it.

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> The problem with your formulation is that "the center" is really
> different depending on who you ask, how you ask and what issue you are
> asking about. I, for instance, favor a decentralized approach to a lot
> of things and I think there is an argument for a lot of state-by-state
> creativity on health care insurance reform. Oregon got a waiver about
> a decade ago and did some really interesting things, some of which
> worked, some which didn't and some which were scuttled by the
> recession. On the other hand, I believe that a basic, adequate, health
> care system should be considered a fundamental right in our country
> because it is required for "life, liberty and the pursuit of
> happiness". And, as we've seen over and over again in our country,
> fundamental rights have to be ensured by the federal government even
> if they aren't implemented by the federal government. So I don't think
> it is as easy as left vs right vs center. It is a complicated set of
> issues indeed.
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Scott Stewart
> <> wrote:
>> uhmm.. no Sam, only part of your statement is true, no one tried to
>> stop them, the Republicans gave it lip service but brought *nothing*
>> of any substance to the table, they saw it as in their political best
>> interest to let it run, because they could scream socialist at every
>> turn..
>> The center is for pushing this back to the states to decide based on
>> what the voters of that particular state want.

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