Too bad I don't live in Virginia.

It's also too bad that the National and State/local divisions seem to not
really agree with each other. These are the kinds of things that will keep
3rd parties out of true contention.

Or maybe it's just that the National group hasn't updated their information
since the merge with the American Centrists. Hard to say, but I'll keep my
eyes open.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Scott Stewart <>wrote:

> They (the national party) needs to flesh out some of their stances a bit
> more, but the party at large supports complete separation of church and
> state
> Homosexual Marriage/Adoption (from the VAWhigs site,
> Gay Marriage
> - we are in favor of establishing gay marriage.  Furthermore, some of us
> feel that the government should not be in the business of deciding
> marriage.
> Government should support the establishment of legal contracts, between
> consenting adults, that allow them to share financial aspects of their
> lives.  Marriage is best left to private organizations.
> Adoptions by gay parents
> - Any loving people who want to adopt a child should be able to do so.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: morgan l []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 5:04 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: deficits as far as the eye can see
> They lost me after I checked 2 issues:
> 1) They're wishy-washy about separation of Church and State
> 2) They want to leave homosexual rights up to the masses to decide. Sorry
> folks, "all men are created equal" does not mean all men that are like you.
> And no, you don't get to choose who gets what rights just because you can
> muster a simple majority vote in your state to pass a law/amendment that
> takes away the rights of a minority group you don't like. Civil rights are
> not a State's rights issue.
> After reading the rest, it looks more like a back-to-the-basics
> conservative
> platform to me, with a milder-than-normal legislative morality hidden in
> there. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, if that's what you like. But to
> call it something else isn't exactly forthcoming. It is politics, though.

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