On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Jerry Barnes wrote:
> Also, remove the onerous levels of taxation and charity would go up.

I pay taxes as a form of charity.  I probably could have figured some
way around that.  I doubt I'll ever die, ether.

With the government-- it tries so hard to be fair, it's unfair.
"Charity" ain't like that.  You can't sue a church for not giving you
soup-- there's no accountability.  =)

And aren't we like, paying less taxes than ever before, or something
like that?  Where's that damn graph...

> "to translate: 'I've got mine so screw you.'"
> Huh?  What in the hell are talking about?
> I am not independently wealthy.  My kids are kids.  Not one has a job or is
> even close enough to the age to have one.  The way things are going, they
> may not even be able to get jobs.
> I used to have a decent retirement package and then Barack took office.  I
> don't blame him though.  It was completely my fault for leaving my
> investments in place knowing a Marxist was going to win the election.

*sob*!  I'm crying with laughter.  The country was *sooooo* fiscally
responsible before The One.

We had a surplus, right?  That was thanks to "conservative" ideals, neh?

> So, I don't have mine.  The only difference between me and you I suspect is
> that I don't want and don't expect the government to help me one bit, though
> I could be wrong.

I don't want or expect the government to help me one bit either, tho I
suspect the difference between you and I, is that I don't mind if the
government helps other folk.  Even if, *gasp* it spends my hard-earned
money to do so.

It's just a little bit from me, and with a bunch of other folk it's a
lot... but it's still a drop in the bucket compared to what we spend
on National Defense (for instance).

My trouble with this perception that Man ('scuse me, Ma'ams) is
basically an animal is that it's just not true.  Maybe we're born
kinda animalistic, but we've got these incredible brains, and this
capacity to learn that's just far freaking out.

I guess it takes work, lest we end up all Lord of the Flies styles, or
Barbarians after the Romans left styles, but I just don't buy the
"we're sinners at heart" argument.

I don't think many people *like* being leeches.  And this attitude
that "one bad apple..." is a little to close to "guilty before
innocent" for my taste.  Do some people cheat the system?  Sure.
Having a system means having it be cheatable.  You can cheat at
non-governmental charity too.  "I'm stranded here!  My car is out of

Heh.  Churches had to reform their welfare too.  Now they ask for IDs
and whatnot more often than not.  So they know you ain't just some
local bum, abusing The System.

Although, hell, maybe you ain't arguing that folk are generally leeches?

Maybe you believe that people are generally decent, and just have this
odd idea that it's fine to spend money on stuff like bullets & bombs,
but spending it on bread & medicine is crazy talk?  Because /that/
will be abused.  Unlike, say, deals for making assault rifles, boots,
and bullet proof vests.

I don't know.  I'm sure there are lots of plausible explanations.  I
happen to prefer reform over tossing the whole deal out without
replacing it with something as good or (hopefully the goal) better.
"Rely on charity" isn't exactly a better idea, in my opinion.

Eh.  Just a random pro welfare type rant.  Nothing personal.  :)


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