"When I was at University it was a running joke that the Education majors
were the ones who couldn't pass basic math.  I know that is a stereotype and
not true for all, but it is true more often than not."

I had to take four standardized test to become a teacher.  The first two
were basic knowledge like reading, writing, and math skills.  The third was
teaching specific.  The last was subject matter (math for me).

To pass the first two parts, that is to be eligible to take the third test,
one had to get a 35th percentile or above on each test.  There were people
taking the tests who had failed before.  It wasn't a hard test.  Probably as
difficult as the CAT.  The test consisted of questions like:

I _____ going to the store
A.  am
B.  is
C.  was
D.  did.

This was in the early 90's, hopefully, it has changed by now.

"While teachers should be picked from the creme of the crop, valued and paid
accordingly, teaching is too often the default career for those who can't
cut it in harder disciplines."

In my state, a PE teacher  gets paid the same as a math, biology, chemistry,
or physics teacher.  Most school systems have an abundance of PE teachers
with a waiting list of replacements.  There is a huge shortage of math and
science teachers.  Go figure.



Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with
power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny -
Thomas Jefferson on government

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