"Thing is that voucher programs rarely work."

Which is different from public schools in what way?  If they rarely work,
that would be a great improvement over public schools and money would be

“The Comprehensive Longitudinal Evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice
Program,” released by the University of Arkansas’ School Choice
Demonstration Project on March 24 of 2009, showed that voucher students in
Milwaukee are getting an education at least on par with children in
Milwaukee’s public schools for HALF the cost.

That's before adding in school safety and discipline concerns, parent
satisfaction, and student happiness.

"At best they are a supplement for upper middle class and middle class
students to get into private education that they would not afford

I am not opposed to starting only in low economic zones such as inner cities
and working outward.  Inner cities need vouchers much more than the suburbs
and want them more than the suburbs.  One study noted that:

Support for vouchers is highest among African Americans and Hispanics.
Within these two groups, supporters outnumber opponents by as much as five
to one.

"it does nothing to help the kid if they get a $5000 voucher when then the
annual tuition is over 10,000. "

You miss the point.  If vouchers were implemented correctly, more schools
would open, meaning more choices, meaning lower tuition at some schools.

"(That's one of the reasons why the voucher system failed so miserably in
the DC region), only the rich or relatively well off could afford it. I do
not see why we ought to subsidize the rich. We do too much of that already."

Which DC voucher program are you talking about?  The one where students
performed better academically than non voucher students .  The one where the
students had higher reading scores?  The one were the parents were much
happier and satisfied with the school?  The one that was for a $7500 voucher
which is significantly cheaper than the DC per pupil cost of public
schools?  The one were Obama's department of education hid a report showing
how much success it was having?

Even if you argue that achievement isn't higher, it certainly isn't worse
and it's cheaper and the parents and students are happier.

"Moreover there isn't really any improved performance based on the 'magic'
of private schools. "

Sure.  Just keep saying that.

Again.  A flat line in performance with safer children, happier parents, and
decreased costs is still a dramatic improvement.

"The data has been very consistent, Based  on the NORC datasets, when taking
into account parental involvement, there are no differences between public
and private schools. Recently even some studies of DC area students have
even shown that the so called 'failed' DC school system outperformed many
 private and charter schools."

If you torture the numbers long enough, they'll say anything you want them
to say.

Bottom line, if vouchers produce results no worse than public schools for
half the cost, it is an improvement.



Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with
power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny -
Thomas Jefferson on governme

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