As an aside about drug research, pharmaceutical companies only have to
publish and submit the reports they want regarding a drug. A pharma
company can do 10 studies on a drug, 9 of which show no positive
difference and 1 that does and then simply submit the 1 study that
does show a positive difference. The FDA can say "well, one study
isn't a sufficient amount" and wait for further research, but the drug
company is currently under no obligation to tell the FDA that they did
9 other studies already that didn't back up the claims they make in
their FDA application.

The FDA doesn't do independent clinical trails. They rely upon the
data given to them and that data is carefully selected to put the most
positive light on an application. Something to consider when you start
thinking about the process behind new drugs and the FDA.


On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:31 AM, G Money <> wrote:
> "Contrary to initial research, new studies indicate that the benefits of the
> drug, which costs $8,000 a month, do not outweigh its risks, the advisory
> panel concluded."
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Sam <> wrote:
>> What death panels?
>> Federal regulators are considering taking the highly unusual step of
>> rescinding approval of a drug that patients with advanced breast
>> cancer turn to as a last-ditch hope.
>> The debate over Avastin, prescribed to about 17,500 women with breast
>> cancer a year, has become entangled in the politically explosive
>> struggle over medical spending and effectiveness that flared during
>> the battle over health-care reform: How should the government balance
>> protecting patients and controlling costs without restricting access
>> to cutting-edge, and often costly, treatments?

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