"Suffice to say, the NRA did not receive the same level of criticism that
you currently see of the Cordoba project when they held a rally in Columbine
mere days after the shootings."

If you say so.   I don't know anything about it or really care to. Maybe the
nation was still in shock.   I do think if they tried to have a gun rally at
Columbine High School this month, there would probably be an uproar.

"But you say that "showing arms" would be insensitive. I would agree . . ."


"but what about even having them?"

Anyone who can legally have one and wants one and can afford to buy one
should have one.

"It isn't like the Cordoba project is erecting a big minaret with an
amplified muezzin that would be blaring the call to prayer over the WTC
site. "

I don't recall anyone saying that they were building anything like this.

"They are building a community center. "

Good for them.  It is well within their rights to do so.

"It isn't an "in for face" gesture the way that, say, open carry in front of
Columbine High School would be."

And that's were opinion comes in.  In your opinion it isn't an "in your
face" gesture.   In the eyes of many family members of victims of the 9-11
terrorist attack it is.  It even has Harry Reid thinking twice about the

Then there is the whole deal of who is financing the Ground Zero Mosque.
 Here is a link to an ABC breaking story on funding:  Islamic Center Backers
Won't Rule Out Taking Funds from Saudi Arabia,

While that may not warrant losing the right to build, anyone with an iota of
sense could see how some would be offended by a mosque funded by countries
the fund terrorists.



Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with
power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny -
Thomas Jefferson on government

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