On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Maureen <mamamaur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well don't take this personally because you seem like an intelligent
>> person. It's just that almost everything you post here is stupid. It's
>> the content.
> And I have no problem with you holding that opinion, and proving that
> anything I have posted is stupid - when you attack the content.  However,
> you never do.  Your attacks are always directed at me - not at the opinions
> I hold, as evidenced by the rest of your comments in this message.

Actually I am talking about your posts. See below. Really I am. Yet
here you are taking it person. Go figure.

>> I also notice, as typical, you didn't state your position directly.
>> You said all kinds of nasty things about me but didn't use my name.
> So every time I discuss stupid people and bigots I'm talking about you but
> not using your name?  That's the same rationale you used to accuse me of
> attacking you when I discussed my dislike for neo-cons.  It's not always
> about you Sam. You are not the sun.  My world does not revolve around you.

Who were you talking about here?

> What I see here, more than just someone being stupid or ignorant, is someone
who cannot defend the positions he presents because they are not his
positions - he is merely the parrot.  When challenged, he realizes on some
level that he is in over his head because he has no facts to support his
opinon, so he either posts a link to his sources or becomes arrogantly
defensive and resorts to attacks on the person rather than on the issue.

It is impossible to have a reasoned dialogue with someone who never learned
to think for himself, but is only the tool of whatever pundit or politico
who makes his eyes glow that day.

But lets pretend that was aimed at all the people that oppose the
mosque, that includes me.
So if I said everyone who doesn't agree with the people that oppose
the mosque are morons you'd probably feel included. Don't fret, I
would never make that statement and mean it. I hold ill will to groups
of people. I have this feeling most people are good. You probably
think that's stupid too.

>> That way you can deny you insulted me and when I call you a bigot for
>> thinking that the 70% of Americans that oppose this mosque are
>> prejudice against Muslims you can deny having a position. That's just
>> hate brought on by pure ignorance and I find it very insulting.
> Here you have me confused with someone else, because I was not a part of
> that discussion.

That post up above from yesterday were unknown idiot parrot can't
think for himself in the middle of this thread was you siding with me?
Or was it a mystery person in an entirely unrealted thread? There was
mainly two side here, me vs almost everyone.

>> Also love the way you enter a discussion as the authority as if you (I
>> mean your posts) really knew what you were talking about. When Momma
>> Mo talks... nobody really listens.
> Really?  Well, if you are the definitive voice for the entire group, and no
> one wants to hear what I have to contribute to the conversation, I'll just
> go away and leave you to be the source of all wisdom and insight, because
> I'm sure they all bow at your feet when you speak.

Just dial back on the authoritative attitude. Not you, your com

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