"I used to be in favor of term limits but as I thought about it more, I
realized that idiots are just idiots."

Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I
repeat myself. - Mark Twain

"Michele Bachmann is one of the craziest people in Congress (and that's
saying a lot) and she's only been there since 2007"

Sanity aside, she'll be there a long time without term limits to send her

"Term limits don't eliminate crazy, pandering or power hungry, they just
shuffle the pieces on the board. "

Maybe to some extent.  But term limits would also eliminate mid term
pandering like Harry and Nancy are engaging in.  The representatives can
actually do what they are in DC to do instead of running a continuous
election campaign.  And, if a power hungry, crazy, pandering representative
replaces a power hungry, crazy, pandering representative then he or she will
only be there for a limited amount of time.

"All term limits do is get rid of those few people who actually might be
reasonable and who have learned to get things done in a fairly dysfunctional

All the lack of term limits do is encourage those who know how to game the
system and those who are not reasonable to stay in power via political
favors and pay offs.  To continue to ignore their constituents and only
listen to a growing base of familiar lobbyists and connections.  A political
aristocracy.  Kind of like Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi,
John McCain, and Harry Reid

"I *really* think we need election reform but I'm not convinced that term
limits is the right way to do it."

I think it is a pivotal piece of political reform.  Not the only piece, but
a necessary piece.



Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with
power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny -
Thomas Jefferson on government

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