Actually, the one procedural thing that works in this state is the
requirement for a budget to pass with a 2/3 vote rather than a simple
majority. It has prevented the Democrats from enacting massive tax
hikes that would wipe out what's left of the economy.

Do I think we would be better off without term limits? Possibly, but
things are so bad now that we need drastic action to improve. We need
to state to go BK, re-organize the debt and renegotiate all the union
contracts. The only other option is a bailout from the feds and
Republicans are never going to let that happen.

On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
> Robert,
> Do you think things would better in CA without term limits?
> Just curious.
> Also, doesn't CA have a system in place where it's hard for anyone to
> actually do anything, regardless of party?  The system is f'd up,
> running on inertia, and there is too much partisanship to fix it?

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