"Allow people to die form either is exactly the same; We've allowed both to
go on for much too long."

Ahh, but Den's original post wasn't talking about the intentional killing of
people via malaria.  It was death by malaria in general.

Then, to the stolen medical supplies.  It would seem that those deaths are
due more to indifference than intention;  the thieves really don't give a
damn about anyone but themselves.

Now, if someone were intentionally infecting people with malaria and then
letting them die, you might be on to something.  But that's way too slow,
especially when you dig a huge trench, line people up, shoot them in the
back of the head, and then cover the trench.



Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with
power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny -
Thomas Jefferson on government

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