Not really. The malaria initiative that the shrubbery touted was an
initiative that started in the 1996 Clinton Administration and the
CDC. The then Republican controlled senate zeroed out the funding in
1998 which was restored in the initiative pushed by the Bush
administration. So the Shrubbery took a CDC program that was killed by
his own party and resurrected it. I don't think that Bush deserves
credit for this one, the CDC does for pushing the funding requests for
another four years before the then current administration decided to
take credit for it.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 5:39 PM, Sam <> wrote:
> Didn't GWB save like 10 million people from dying from malaria?
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 5:35 PM, denstar <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 1:22 PM, Jerry Barnes wrote:
>>> "So a list of failed democracies would prove that democracy is a failed
>>> ideology?"
>>> It would be an interesting list.  Throw in Republics too.
>> The point being, communism doesn't kill people... people kill people.
>> And mosquitoes.
>> Er.  Infectious diseases?  =)
>>> "Sure.  And malaria kills X amount of kids every minute."
>>> Yes, and malaria is an act of nature.
>>> I believe the reference was to more intentional acts of killing.
>>> You know like:
>>> National Socialist Hitler's genocide of 6 million Jews,
>>> Stalin's forced starvation of 6 to 7 million Ukrainians.
>>> Stalin's great purge of the communist party which killed between 700k and
>>> 1.5 million.
>>> Che's hand in killing over 10,000 dissidents in Cuba in the 1960's.
>>> Mao's Great Leap forward which killed 20 million people
>>> Khmer Rouge killing 2 million in 4 years.
>>> While anyone dieing of malaria is a shame, it isn't in the same league.
>> You mean numerically?  I'm pretty sure that malaria has been a problem
>> for a while now.  I'd bet the total number of deaths from malaria
>> dwarfs your whole list, combined.  Even if we limit the malaria time
>> frame to the last 10 years.
>> Hrm... intention.  Morality is an interesting deal.
>> If you see someone dieing in the street, and you do nothing to help
>> them, when you could have... is that Bad?
>> Eh.
>> Communism as a death carrier though?  Not buying it.  It has no
>> monopoly on death.
>> Utopia is hard to pull off, I'll give yo

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