keep livin the dream amigo... someday you will see... listen, i dont like jobs, or apple for any other reason than the computing equipment ive gotten from them has PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they've figured something out... something that left me frustrated, and bored for 14 years of a programmers life... i honestly feel like ive been liberated from some shackles made in washington state... it started when i shed outlook from my stack a year ago, and now im wholly out of the office suite, a pc, and slow loading frustration!
when you open your laptop up, and waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, ill be whizzing by on my beautiful little metal creation, typing away whilst you wait for yours to come up to the ctrl alt delete screen. hahahaha On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Sisk, Kris <> wrote: > >'s video chat...It's nothing new. My family's been doing it with > their laptops and MSN Messenger for years. The only difference here is > that one end is a cell phone, which is kinda meh in my opinion, > especially since there are MSN and Skype clients for phones already. > Apple's catching up with stuff that's already out there so I don't think > we should be asking when the world's gonna catch up with them. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Ras Tafari [] > Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 6:18 PM > To: cf-community > Subject: Re: Facetime for Mac... > > > i think its dope double-c > > the rest of the world will catch up to us someday. > > or they won't and they will suffer, not us :) > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: