I think that Obama is trying to do exactly what he said he wanted to do.  
Unfortunately it's not what people really want *or* even the reason he was 

He was elected as a reaction to a horrible eight years of GWB.  People are 
hateful to Wall Street, he is the anti-Wall Street.  People wanted to get out 
of the Iraq war, he pulled us out.  People wanted a leader to trust, I think 
they have one.  But his agenda is not really what people wanted out of him - 
they just wanted the anti-Bush.

One problem is that he not a great leader.  He is an amazing communicator but a 
timid leader.

Another problem is that the middle class, who is already taken care of by their 
work benefits, really don't want this health care bill that he pushed through 
with the Democratic Congress.  Everyone wants healthcare but nobody wants to 
pay for it personally.  The middle class is having their healthcare benefits 
erode due to the new bill now.

The problems with the economy are not his fault but he hasn't really done much 
with it at all - inaction is worse than none as a President.

He lost a lot of confidence when he was so slow to react to the oil spill.

There are a lot of good reasons that people don't like him as a President.  
Also, there's every reason to give him more time to shape up.  But IMO he 
doesn't really have the intrinsic qualities to be a great one.    Clinton, for 
whatever you think of him, had those qualities.  So did Reagan.

>On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 3:29 PM, G Money <gm0n3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Are you saying that people are mad because he promised all kinds of
>> unprecedented sweeping changes.....and then couldn't wrap them all up in 2
>> shorts years, in time for the mid term elections?????
>He promised change and hope, he never said what it was.
>Now that people know what it is they want to change it back.
>> Really? We're that obtuse?
>> Man...we suck.
>Some of us. 

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